"Battlefield For Freedom" Recovery Group - Melissa Tatman

 Contact Melissa Tatman @ melissa.tatman@yahoo.com
to find out where they are meeting              
Frequency: Weekly, year-round

Description:  We are a group of men and women that gather to share our experience of God’s grace and strength to live a NEW LIFE that inspires others in hope for freedom from the darkness of addiction.
In addition to the weekly recovery meeting we get together for several “clean & serene” outings throughout the year; bowling, canoeing, stock car races, cookouts... we’re stronger together!



 Contact Melissa Tatman @ melissa.tatman@yahoo.com
to find out where they are meeting              
Frequency: Weekly, year-round

Description:  We are a group of men and women that gather to share our experience of God’s grace and strength to live a NEW LIFE that inspires others in hope for freedom from the darkness of addiction.
In addition to the weekly recovery meeting we get together for several “clean & serene” outings throughout the year; bowling, canoeing, stock car races, cookouts... we’re stronger together!